Supplementary planning documents
Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) give more detail to the local policies and are intended to provide detailed guidance on how the planning policy will be implemented.
We have adopted the following supplementary planning documents.
Elmbridge Design Code SPD
At its meeting on Wednesday 17 April 2024, the Council adopted the Elmbridge Design Code as a Supplementary Planning Document. To enable its implementation in determining planning applications, the council needs to update its Local Validation Checklist (LVC). It is anticipated that the consultation on the updated LVC will take place this summer, with the aim for it to be adopted in the autumn.
Once the LVC is adopted, the Design Code will become a material consideration in determining planning applications for new development. Until then, the existing Design and Character SPD (2012) and its Companion Guides apply. In the meantime, the new Design Code will be referred to in the pre-application discussions with applicants, who will be encouraged to incorporate the relevant design parameters in their proposals.
A Design Code is a set of simple, concise, design requirements which set principles for new development in an area. The aim of the Elmbridge Design Code is to reflect local character and design preferences; providing a framework for creating high-quality design in the borough. The code sets out different design requirements based on the type and location of new development.
Elmbridge Design Code SPD - supporting information
Design and character SPD
This SPD aims to ensure that the design of new development in the borough is more locally responsive, sustainable and built to a high quality. It consists of a main document providing design guidance relating to all new development in the borough. There are also 10 companion guides including the 8 settlement character assessments, an overview of the borough's character and specific guidelines relating to home extensions. The SPD supports the delivery of the Elmbridge Core Strategy, specifically Policy CS17: Local character, Density and Design.
Design and character SPD - map
The design and character SPD map shows the design and character areas identified within Elmbridge.
Design and character SPD - supporting information
Development contributions SPD
This SPD and the Community Infrastructure Charging Schedule set out the contributions required from new development towards infrastructure, affordable housing and Thames Basin Heaths mitigation through the use of both planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). They support Core Strategy policies CS21: Affordable Housing, CS13: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA), CS16: Social and Community Infrastructure and CS28: Implementation and Delivery.
See development contributions for guidance on whether or not your development is liable to pay CIL and to view the charge sheet calculation tool and unilateral undertaking template and for the latest Strategic Access Monitoring and Management (SAMM) charge, which is updated from 1 April each year.
Development contributions SPD - supporting information
Flood risk SPD
For information on the flood risk SPD, see flood risk.