Approximately 750 buildings in Elmbridge are statutorily listed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport as being of special architectural or historic interest, and are graded according to their importance:
- Grade l - buildings of exceptional interest
- Grade ll* - particularly important buildings of more than special interest
- Grade ll - buildings of special interest, which warrant every effort being made to preserve them (92% of all listed buildings)
Statutory listed properties
You can check My Neighbourhood to find out if a property is listed, or search the Historic England: National Heritage List for England.
For advice on how to nominate a building for statutory listing, see Historic England: How to get historic buildings or sites protected through listing
Locally listed buildings
In addition to the statutory list, we maintain a list of Local Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
Although this designation does not give any additional legal protection, the council applies national and local conservation policies to protect these buildings through the planning process.
The Local Heritage Asset List below (also known as the ‘Local List’) was agreed on 5 July 2023.
Listed building consent
Statutory listing covers both external and internal features of a listed building as well as any curtilage listed buildings and boundary walls and fences. If you wish to alter, extend or demolish a listed building in a way that affects its character as a building of special interest you must first obtain Listed Building Consent.
Apply for Listed Building Consent on the Planning Portal
All applications for Listed Building Consent will require an accompanying Heritage Statement.
Works to listed buildings
Maintenance and like for like repairs to statutory listed buildings do not need listed building consent. If you are uncertain whether permission is needed, you can contact the Heritage team online.
For pre-application advice about extensions and other new development, see pre-application advice.
Buildings at risk
A building at risk is a listed building identified as ‘at risk’ through neglect, decay, vandalism or vulnerable to becoming so.
Three surveys have been undertaken within the borough since 1994, the latest of which was between April 2016 and December 2018. A report on the findings has been produced. If you believe a listed building to be ‘at risk’ please contact
Historic buildings grants
The Surrey Historic Buildings Trust operates a grant scheme to contribute towards building conservation and restoration projects, see Surrey Historic Buildings Trust: Grants.
More information and advice
Visit Historic England: Your home for advice for owners of listed/locally listed buildings and buildings within conservation areas.