Share your ideas on how community services could better help residents in Elmbridge and get a £20 shopping voucher*!
We are embarking on the next stage of our community services engagement programme in February with a set of listening events where you can share your ideas to help shape a brighter future for Elmbridge.
Currently our community services help 2% of the Elmbridge population, mainly older people, through our Centres for the Community, meals on wheels, community transport and dementia services.
However, our research shows a greater need, that at least 9% of our residents need help and we want to provide that help in the best and most financially sustainable way.
In October 2024, we announced our plans to expand support to help more people in need and launched an online survey. Through our listening events, we are now seeking to gather detailed thoughts, ideas and aspirations to understand what it means for people and communities to do well in Elmbridge.
As a local resident, your voice is essential and your ideas will directly inform what we do next to support people and communities, and create an even better, more inclusive support system. You can join us at one of four listening events. Book your place today. You will receive a £20 shopping voucher for attending. Sessions take place on:
- Thursday 13 February, 5pm to 7pm
St John’s Church, The Furrows, Walton-on-Thames KT12 3JQ
- Saturday 15 February, 10:30am to 12:30pm
Cobham Village Hall, Lushington Drive, KT11 2LU
(includes children's activities, booking in advance required)
- Tuesday 25 February, 5pm to 7pm
Ember Sports Club, 2 Grove Way, Esher KT10 8HL
- Thursday 27 February, 6pm to 7.30pm
If you are unable to attend a session, please share your ideas by completing the survey instead. The survey closes on Sunday 2 March.
Councillor Gill Coates, Portfolio Holder for Community Care, said: “We are re-imagining what it means to support communities in Elmbridge and we are excited to be progressing with our engagement programme. The sessions and survey are a fantastic opportunity for local residents to share their invaluable ideas and experiences to help create a future where everyone who needs help can get help. We encourage everyone to join us or complete the survey and contribute to this important work.”
*See the booking page for conditions of voucher.
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