This board meets weekly to discuss key council matters.
Officers give advice to councillors and the council, put the council's decisions into practice and take decisions which are delegated to them.
Adam Chalmers, Chief Executive
The chief officer and executive head of the council has general authority over the activities of all directorates, chairs the management board of directors and has overall responsibility for administering the Council's business.
The Chief Executive leads the following services:
- Head of Council's Paid Service
- Elections
- Principal Adviser to the Council
- Council Policies
- Finance
- Legal and Governance
- Internal Audit
- Committee and Member Services
- Policy & Performance
- Family Support Programme
Dawn Crewe, Strategic Director, Services
Contributes to the corporate and strategic management of the authority and provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction.
Dawn leads the following services:
- ICT and Digital Services
- Housing
- Asset Management and Property Services
- Customer Operations and Transformation
Kim Tagliarini, Strategic Director, Place and Community
Contributes to the corporate and strategic management of the authority and provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction.
Kim leads the following services:
- Planning and Environmental Health
- Community Support Services
- Culture, Leisure and Environment
Andrew Cooper, Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer
Contributes to the corporate and strategic management of the authority and provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction. Has responsibility to resource and deliver the Organisation’s strategic objectives sustainably and in the public interest.
Section 151 Officer is a statutory role, fulfilling the financial duties and responsibilities on behalf of the council and has responsibility for the financial strategy of the council.
Victoria Statham, Head of Legal and Governance
Contributes to the corporate and strategic management of the authority and provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction.
Victoria leads the following services:
- Legal
- Democratic & Electoral Services
- Internal Audit
- Monitoring officer