We receive regular freedom of information requests for information about business properties in the Elmbridge area. As many of these requests are for similar information we have the following commonly requested data available.
All business properties in Elmbridge
This includes:
- all business properties in Elmbridge
- current ratepayer name and commencement date (please note a date of 1 April 1995 means the date was on or before this date)
- correspondence address
- properties receiving charitable relief (mandatory and/or discretionary)
- properties receiving small business rate relief
- empty properties
Ratepayer name and correspondence address: the ratepayer’s name and correspondence address will only be shown for companies and other organisations. If the ratepayer is a person the name will be shown as 'The Ratepayer' and no correspondence address will be shown as required by Data Protection rules.
Property description: the property description is not shown in all cases. You can get the property description by entering the 'Property Reference' on the Valuation Office Agency website (search by 'Billing authority reference number').
Disclaimer: While Elmbridge Borough Council has taken reasonable measures to check the accuracy and content of the list attached, we cannot warrant its completeness or accuracy. The council cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on material contained in the datasets.
Credit balances
The council does not publish details of credit balances, due to the risk of fraudulent refund claims being made. As such, this information is considered exempt under section 31(1)(a) (prevention or detection of crime) of the Freedom of Information Act. This was confirmed by the Information Commissioner in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) decision notice (2017) (PDF).